Daily Regimen 22.12.18 At the start of the day: Cosmology, Vocational radio button for each of: Meditation (80 lucian mantras, 80 green sutras, 80 arem mantras, 80 friendliness sutras, 80 dao mantras and 80 dao sutras) Also for the following, which also has nut and bolt and quantum box/prayer: No digestive system pops from practising the sutra 80 arems and 80 friendlinesses 1 billion done up As for each thought Earth's magnetic poles match earth's geographic pole No white thing entering base of spine causing headache Moon remediation Yoga Qigong Professor meditation Fountain of youth Economics selling () Meditate for meditators who can be retrieved Neo-Hindu The Daoist connection from brain (memory) to mouth Turn off others using my breasonings except for family and their businesses () Don’t think of thought in an erroneous subcategory Politeness () No tears at night from not being in a relationship I like the Queen I like each person when they’re ready for it Turn off thoughts when there’s a role Daoist developed seen-as version Same as going to England to listen to Queen () Independent school Go to the universe with positive people thought of to 5 levels each time there is a breasoning Celebrity no mistakes from me and you too Mental control of body () Arem () Arem-lucian link () Arem-green link () Dao-lucian link () Dao-green link Solve customer problems My two fonts - breason out text and stagger same indent level to find a difference - Second font Examined life - Go along with thoughts stop pain, inflammation, help blood flow, relaxation and well-being, and deep-tissue massage link in my character at end of each thought Also for the following, which also has nut and bolt and quantum box/prayer: Meditation protector currant bun Also for the following, which also has nut and bolt and quantum box/prayer: No (hallucinatory) appearances Also for the following, which also has nut and bolt and quantum box/prayer: No headache Also for the following, which also has nut and bolt and quantum box/prayer: No criminals met Also for the following, which also has nut and bolt and quantum box/prayer: Turn off workload from all employees including you below you, Also for the following, which also has nut and bolt and quantum box/prayer: Detect and turn off workloads using manager algorithm Also for the following, which also has nut and bolt and quantum box/prayer: Detect and turn off workloads using manager network. In the morning (not at night) to help sleep (50 As for following, one time): (Everything increases everything in this list:) Five strawberries for recordings () Revert necessary 50 departments *file2qb.txt-Breason out 2 (Lucian, Adrian) *10 br from file2qb.txt (medicine) with B, B to B and Going Against Itself 12 pink, 1 gold circles from my pop song rcawpastea.txt () RMIT Mail () Google Analytics Page views by city with A To have all breasonings dotted on For you to take radio buttons off afterwards To have all radio buttons right To have ten breasoning agreement or disagreement As as each detail Breasonings and pre-breasoned breasonings with an area of study associated with it and synthesise them per sentence during day Ten employees*25 (sic) breasonings per day Cosmology One br*each of (seen-as version, Mirror-developed, Connection) Virality Editing Publishing Breasonings in Publishing to be breasoned out Good memory on, off for each thought No nightmares Defence Defence and cosmology Illuminati For being a school captain (2*(sacrifice to say sorry, don’t mean it and hide it away)) - EOL Longevity with Reishi Mushroom, Goji, Ginseng, He-Shou-Wu, Gotu Kola and Schisandra Turn off, radio buttons, br 5 different objects said by cosmologue for sales (for LMY, [SS x, music xx]), dot on if a person wants to buy, then breason out five different objects said by cosmologue per sale, turn on The algorithm to refresh sales including dotting on if a person wants to buy during the day after the day of recording - EOL Dot on breasonings from song and philosophy sentences and breason out breasonings, Breasoning out these six breasonings Maharishi doctor’s details Turn off, so they don’t know me yet and finish for me. Turn off, so others do not request work each day Turn off, so king’s titillations take me to number 1 Celebrities sell each thing they say in a sex-sells sort of way - 500 As of following per day and Celebrity thought A Celebrity thought B Seen-as version Mirror-developed Large idea Connection Cosmology/pop so writing appears to you (even below the printed text) when reading) Large idea B and Medicine Listen to unwanted thoughts No unwanted thoughts No unwanted thoughts in politics Friends around me Be interested in the current thought (to have As done) Nationalism I give ideas about products to people who I meet and who appear. Philosophy: think of the backwards direction of causality in a sentence Sales Religions to lm Student thoughts - Reward, b for each gift, product, donation, volunteer () Viral 5 As For each word, object and note: The product, and the developed seen-as version Sales, and the developed seen-as version Education thoughts, and the developed seen-as version These for each of the last three lines: B, and the developed seen-as version B to B, and the developed seen-as version Detail Ten comments, update (using different pretty print orientations and colours) A, B, C, D, E, N seen-as versions Go against self in mistakes Protection in politics Turn off unwanted messages with my body while mentally controlling my body. Algorithm writer - English details Breasoning writer Essay writer No mistaken people The big idea, etc. medicine No doubles from time travel No storms in teacups from Barrabool Realise the hand breasoning switch is done for you each day from the first time you switch it on, which does the following: * rcaw, 24 2 19-2 3 19 authority, budget, need and timing 5 Use only ONE of the following plans. I recommend progressing through Plans 1-3, for at least one month each. Commence instructions at 8 AM at the earliest. Warning: Not following these instructions when using texttobr[1/2] can result in haemorrhoids, eyelid twitches and eyelid itchiness. Plan 1: Every Monday and Thursday: 1. Prepare the radio button: Accredited, at the time, turned off (to make accreditation acceptable) CS, breathsoned, VET, sales, education for the following. 2. The next step means that you see yourself as breasoning out text before texttobr, computer housing the breasonings, 250 breasonings per waking hour for 16 hours, stopping at midnight (from word breasonings first), no medical problems from it. 3. Breason out a radio button (0.01, 0.01, 0.005 cm). 4. Hand-breason out (not use texttobr[1/2]) 250 characters from Job Medicine Plan 2: Every Monday and Thursday: 1. Prepare the radio button: Accredited, at the time, turned off (to make accreditation acceptable) CS, breathsoned, VET, sales, education for the following. 2. The next step means that you see yourself as breasoning out text before texttobr, computer housing the breasonings, 200 breasonings per waking hour for 16 hours, stopping at midnight (from word breasonings first), no medical problems from it. 3. Breason out a radio button (0.01, 0.01, 0.005 cm). 4. Hand-breason out (not use texttobr[1/2]) 250 characters from Job Medicine Every other day: 1. Prepare the radio button: Accredited, at the time, turned off (to make accreditation acceptable) CS, breathsoned, VET, sales, education for the following. 2. The next step means that you see yourself as breasoning out text before texttobr, computer housing the breasonings, 250 breasonings per waking hour for 1 hour (from word breasonings first), no medical problems from it. 3. Breason out a radio button (0.01, 0.01, 0.005 cm). 4. Hand-breason out (not use texttobr[1/2]) 250 characters from Job Medicine Plan 3: Every day: 1. Prepare the radio button: Accredited, at the time, turned off (to make accreditation acceptable) CS, breathsoned, VET, sales, education for the following. 2. The next step means that you see yourself as breasoning out text before texttobr, computer housing the breasonings, 70 breasonings per waking hour for 16 hours, stopping at midnight (from word breasonings first), no medical problems from it. 3. Breason out a radio button (0.01, 0.01, 0.005 cm). 4. Hand-breason out (not use texttobr[1/2]) 250 characters from Job Medicine Run a large enough batch of character texttobr on texttobr days in Plans 1-3 at the start, run 250-word texttobr on texttobr days in Plans 1-3, and run comments character texttobr on texttobr days in Plans 1-3. — SAID AT NIGHT: cancel negative thoughts to business seen from the lookout. one of the breasonings to be touched up two uses per sentence future per sentence two types per sentence everything here being like breasonings is here per sentence rebreasonings per sentence breathsonings per sentence rebreathsonings per sentence room per sentence part of room per sentence the direction in room per sentence time to prepare per sentence time to do per sentence time to finish per sentence God Algorithm per sentence Professor Algorithm per sentence doing up (symbolised by a plane) per sentence per word, not another word Ten minimum 1-pixel images per sentence, delegated, to have imagery appear from to have all breasonings breasoned out, with a framework around each breasoning to have rest of “coloured square letter” breasonings breasoned out for defence for all sentences (to give the weighty appearance of a professor) to have all breasonings at the time to have professor's face for: said work over one idea per second for the chopped up opposite and statement for mirth for one breasoning from every breasoned out being the chosen one by the Education system for an area of study breasonings per breasoning for the 10-1 pixel images to be per breasoning texts all have a green strip from non-deleted, pink strip instead per sentence characters have I love you I love you said to them per sentence Two pink strips and felt sorry for when not memorising and reading texts to have presented per sentence. for big products per sentence 16 times think of recorded Cosmological breasonings to satisfy celebrity requirements go against self (not mean) cosmology (you know what) *THE END (of activities) At the end of the day: Two radio buttons at the time for each of: meditation (80 lucian mantras, 80 green sutras, 80 arem mantras, 80 friendliness sutras, 80 david mantras, 80 david sutras, 80 maranatha mantras, 80 maranatha sutras, 80 buddhist om mantras, 80 buddhist om sutras, 80 dadirri mantras, 80 dadirri sutras, 80 dao mantras and 80 dao sutras) A radio button for the nut and bolt and quantum box/prayer for the following: - no headache prayer - mistakes turned off (each meditator too) - breasonings turned off (each meditator also) - no muscle aches/pains - meet no criminal people - no Bell’s Palsy 80 arems and 80 friendlinesses 80 dao mantras and 80 dao sutras () 80 lucian mantras and 80 green sutras prayer for Aigs [1 (acting)] [and image of 2 (lucian as pedagogy helper) and image of 3 (acting agent) x] and University apple meditation for successful relationships yoga qigong vet, off, cosmology radio buttons: * ()() mod archive document about work for the day - EOL radio button original, simple parts and connections between parts (per letter) breasonings per (video) letter written (recorded) that day %% Professor is 5, and Emeritus Professor is 15 x 25 Four competition criteria for all song plays in the day Music, Creative Writing, Theatre Studies, Education, Meditation, Medicine, Economics, Film Studies, texts, songs and videos refreshed. * vet version of my philosophy () Accreditation 2 (160 *(sales + cosmology + topic) breasonings as the area of study sentences per product (done once) and sale, with 50 sales, done by Mod Archive, and See The Highest Quality Presentation Of Your Life) mantra only meditators to be used as pedagogy helpers ()infinity cut off love and sex song, *comments and *done-upness for each production in the day ()Breason Out Love (relation to you and me) and ()Sex (relation to holding hands) in productions turn off: Wikipedia 2 off: Lucian Academy Lectures (Ask for Head of State Research Masters Ask for Music Research Masters Ask for Theatre Studies Research Masters Ask for Philosophy Research Masters Ask for Education Research Masters Ask for Commerce Research Masters Ask for Theology Research Masters Ask for Medicine Research Masters) for theatre memory on, off for each thought music memory on, off for each thought finite hit God hit pre-appearing As for appearances Five breasonings updated per work worked on